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JCS Chairman: N. Korea Cutting Off Road, Railway Access to S. Korea to Prevent Defections

[Inter-Korea] :
Joint Chiefs of Staff(JCS) Chairman Kim Myung-soo said Thursday that North Korea is cutting off land routes connecting the two Koreas to prevent North Koreans from defecting to South Korea.

The chairman made the remarks during a parliamentary audit, calling the North’s action "unreasonable" and saying it ...


Source: JCS Chairman: N. Korea Cutting Off Road, Railway Access to S. Korea to Prevent Defections
Anime News / Mobile Suit Gundam Franchise Gets Trading Card Game
« Last post by Junky4000 on October 11, 2024, 07:29:35 AM »
Mobile Suit Gundam Franchise Gets Trading Card Game

Gundam Card Game to launch worldwide in 2025
Source: Mobile Suit Gundam Franchise Gets Trading Card Game
Anime News / Trigun Stampede – Episode 3
« Last post by Alderis on October 10, 2024, 11:24:35 PM »
Trigun Stampede – Episode 3

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I am eager to return to Trigun Stampede, and see how Vash and his companions are faring. It certainly hasn’t been an easy road for them; although Vash possesses tremendous destructive power, he is loath to use his abilities to harm others, even if those others have every intention of harming him. This has made for a difficult trek across this sand-blasted planet, as every mercenary and their mother is intent on capturing him, to which he can generally just offer a lopsided “can’t we just be friends?”

Descending from the heavens alongside his twin and shadow, Vash is clearly being framed as a messianic figure, a savior whose infinite charity might counterbalance the selfishness and violence of mankind. But in a cruel world, there is often little choice but to be cruel ourselves; though Vash possesses the strength to stand by his pacifist philosophy, he cannot single-handedly save this world, cannot transform it into a place where the necessities of life are so plentiful as to facilitate such effortless charity among the rest of us. Of course, this is all assigning him a thematic significance I’m sure he’d find lofty and embarrassing; as a person in his own right, he seems mostly concerned with not becoming the “weapon” that others see him as, a tool whose only purpose is destruction. The contrast of these two perspectives, alongside the inherent thrills and charm of this lushly appointed production, have made for a thoroughly satisfying meal so far. Let’s get back to it!

Episode 3

We open with a news report from the “Seven Cities,” speaking of a sand storm ravaging the central plane. So it appears there actually are some larger settlements on this planet, we’ve just been hanging out in the backwaters

The camera pans up over presumably Knives trudging through the sand, headed towards another run-down installation

Then we jump back to the cliffhanger we left Vash on, with Gofsef having been swarmed and presumably destroyed by “lost technology” shaped like metal-and-crystal spiders

Roberto states that these bombs must be the work of “E.G. Bomber”

Quite a loaded shot as another of the townsfolk races away to sacrifice himself, shouting “please, save the town.” His blood splatters beneath Vash’s eye, forming a tear for him to wipe away. An easy visual metaphor for how Vash feels the suffering of all

E.G. Bomber’s real name is Ethan Gilbert Hamilton

“At any rate, don’t lose heart.” Vash also continues to embody faith in dark times, promising he will defeat this foe and disable the bombs. I feel like more people would be engaged with the New Testament if Jesus spent his time fighting supervillains like this

Our villain soon reveals himself, complete with a big metal suit and a declaration that he is now “E.G. the Mine.” Dude, if you don’t stick with one title, you’re never gonna build any name recognition

He’s played by Wataru Takagi, one of the great nasally voices of anime

His metal wheel-suit immediately facilitates some energetic action cuts, as the camera swings around to follow his rampage through the settlement. Quite impressed by the dust effects here – they feel voluminous without feeling “chunky,” maintaining the fluidity and morphing, rapidly dispersing quality of traditionally animated smoke

And out in the sands, the cloaked figure continues its march towards town

Getting a closer look at these plants that power their town, it’s clear they’re designed as the bottom half of a woman’s body that blooms into a sort of yarn-ball of threads. Another charged image, implying these plants are like mothers to humanity

“You don’t get it, do you? I’m not killing to steal – I’m stealing to kill!” Can human charity coexist alongside those who are proudly set against it, not for reasons of necessity, but simply because they enjoy causing suffering? It’s a question our own world has failed to meaningfully answer; cruelty is not always a reflection of inner pain, and cannot always be resolved via kindness and understanding

With that declared, Vash’s whole affectation changes. He has infinite patience for those who are hurting, but for this man who only wishes to cause pain, he immediately declares “enough”

It’s actually Meryl who comes up with a counter-strategy, latching onto E.G. alongside Roberto in order to ensure that if he activates the bombs, he’ll die as well. Excellent scrappy character acting as the two cling to their enemy, with Meryl making plenty of characteristically feral expressions

Nebraska wants revenge on E.G. for killing his son, but Vash steps in to block him. Is it right to hold sacred the life of this man, who himself desires nothing but to hurt others? In his unqualified protection of all human life, Vash actually seems to demonstrate how he is not quite human himself, unburdened by the natural sense of hurt and desire for revenge that such cruelty can inspire. Can a man who does not hurt like us honestly embody our best instincts, or act as a meaningful exemplar to the rest of us?

Vash can only offer the defeated “there’s no point in revenge.” And then our wanderer arrives, already pounding away at the town’s piano

With none of his usual confidence, Vash’s voice cracks as he urges the townsfolk to flee

Instead, E.G. immediately runs up to worship Knives, declaring “you grace us with your presence” before being dispatched. A moment that speaks to how fiction tends to dance around the implications of a character like E.G., who embodies how some people will always set themselves against a kinder, more equitable society. An infinite capacity for forgiveness only works up to a certain point, and that point is precisely where stories tend to let “fate” make the hard call, by sending such irredeemable characters off a cliff or whatnot. The story thus allows the protagonist to maintain their spirit of infinite charity while essentially executing anyone who challenges the limits of that philosophy

“Have you ever desired to converse with a god, Vash?” In contrast with Vash, Knives embraces his mythic status without question, naturally assuming he is a god of the people. It is this sort of hubris that terrifies Vash; a certainty of sovereignty that allows any cruelty, because what can rightfully be denied to a god? This is why Vash can’t answer the question raised by a character like E.G. – because answering that question would immediately imply an assumption of personal righteousness, and that is the road to self-justified cruelty and oppression. The most direct route to tyranny is an implicit assumption of righteousness; the second we believe we cannot do wrong, the floodgates of cruelty are flung open

I like how the lighting reflects their self-images, rather than their actual identities: Knives is bathed in sunlight, Vash is a gun in the dark

“Why are you here? Is it the plant?” “I’m taking it back. It belongs to me. Or rather, it belongs to us.” Vash wants to share the gift of life with humanity, but Knives thinks only in terms of ownership

Knives accuses Vash of vanity, seeing in his daring defense of the humans only “a cure for loneliness.” He cannot imagine giving freely, without thought of repayment

Ooh, lovely smoke effects as Knives touches Vash’s gun, spawning cracks like splintering ice down its barrel

They’re effectively amping up Knive’s presence through classic horror movie staples; cutting the sound so you can only hear his footsteps, obscuring his face, slowing down the pacing to build up suspense. All this succeeds in making him feel implacable, inevitable, and unknowable, a force of nature rather than just one more enemy

Our only unobscured, still-partial shot of his body sees his cloak molt into endless knives before Nebraska is struck

Out at the town’s edge, a massive metal golem arrives, flanked by a black-suited man and a young boy who looks suspiciously like our lead brothers once did

Rosa’s companions are slaughtered in turn by Knives’ cruel blade appendages

“Whose side are you on?” Knives asks his brother, naturally implying that there will always be a divide between humans and the brothers. Gods cannot live among mankind

“In the past, God rained fire from the sky, destroying the city of depraved fools. To fix the world once and for all, I’m moving ahead.” Knives again affirming he sees himself as a new god, sent to pronounce judgment upon humanity

“To bring everything back to even.” A goal that definitely requires further explanation. What does Knives actually desire?

The town ultimately lies in ruins, and Rosa asks Vash to leave, saying “if you hadn’t come here, none of this would have happened.” Perhaps gods and humans cannot coexist after all

“After all they said to you, how can you smile like that?” “I don’t deserve to cry.” He understands the privilege and responsibility of his power; though he wishes to carry their burdens, he cannot

And Done

Whoof, what a brutal episode! Our formal reintroduction of Knives was even more horrific than I could have imagined, with basically every side character we’ve come to know being sacrificed as fuel to underline just how monstrous Vash’s brother truly is. But there was no outright malice in his behavior; to Knives, it is clear that humans are simply not important enough to be worthy of hatred, just ants to be stepped on or brushed aside in pursuit of his great work. Just as Vash has positioned himself as a self-sacrificing savior of humanity, so has Knives styled himself as an Old Testament-style deity, explicitly referencing Sodom and Gomorrah in explaining his actions. Even with the best of intentions, is it possible for a being like Vash to understand human frailty, and to truly live as one of us? Regardless, the journey continues, and the party trudges east.

This article was mad e possible by reader support . Thank you all for all that you do.

Source: Trigun Stampede – Episode 3
Anime News / Suicide Squad Isekai Season 2: Renewed? Reasons Why It Should Return!
« Last post by Taniara on October 10, 2024, 09:51:21 PM »
Suicide Squad Isekai Season 2: Renewed? Reasons Why It Should Return!

The first season of Suicide Squad Isekai is a rollercoaster of ride, and there’s no denying that. The anime took the D.C. fans to a new fictional world where Harley Quinn and her party dealt with several mystical monsters. While the series remained one of its kind, fans are clamoring for Suicide Squad Isekai Season 2 release date. Will it ever return with another season? Well, you will be surprised to know that “it’s just the beginning.” Things have just started, and there are multiple reasons that let us say this. Keep reading to know the answers.

Roughly based on D.C. Comics’ Suicide Squad, the anime follows a fictional world of supervillains. The director of A.R.G.U.S., Amanda Waller, sends a team of high-profile criminals like Harley Quinn, Clayface, King Shark, Peacemaker, and Deadshot to an Isekai world. They are assigned to fight against the supervillains of the fictional world and return to Earth in time. Unaware of Amanda’s master plan, the team works on their mission.

Suicide Squad Isekai Season 2: Is It Renewed Yet?

Suicide Squad Isekai debuted on June 27, 2024, with a bang, bringing a new perspective to D.C. Comics’ Suicide Squad. As soon as the first season debuted , it brought a lot of fun and nostalgia to the table. But with the series concluding on August 15, 2024, fans wonder whether the anime will return with another season. The show is undoubtedly a massive success, and since it’s a rough adaptation of D.C. Comics’ Suicide Squad, it already has a big fandom.

Suicide Squad Isekai Season 2 renewed and release date
Max, Hulu

Considering this, there’s a high possibility that the show could return. However, the series hasn’t been renewed for another season. That’s right. Suicide Squad Isekai Season 2’s fate is still under wraps. But fans don’t have to worry that much. That’s because the series already has a huge fan following. Plus, it has only been a few days since the show wrapped up airing. The renewal decision is typically based on the show’s performance and budget.

So we believe Warner Bros. Japan will take a couple of months to evaluate everything. Thus, fans don’t have to worry at all. Besides this, the series ended on a cliffhanger, leaving a door open for Suicide Squad Isekai Season 2. That being said, there’s a high possibility of Suicide Squad Isekai Season 2.

Suicide Squad Isekai Ending Hints At Season 2

Suicide Squad Isekai Episode 10 Spoilers Alert

In the first season’s finale, Flag and Clayface saved the woman resembling the Enchantress. Meanwhile, Katana destroys the skeleton, who later returns. After being rescued, the woman decides to pay back to the squad and help them kill the skeletons. On the other hand, Deadshot equips everyone in the squad to fight against the Undead King. However, things turn more dramatic as it appears difficult to destroy the Undead King.

Suicide Squad Isekai Season 2 hints and plot details
Max, Hulu

So, to make things possible, Harley and Fione disguise themselves as each other to trick the Undead King. Their trick helped them a lot, and they finally killed her. Fione later took the throne while Flag told Waller that Katana had disappeared. While this created confusion among Waller and Flag, it was later revealed that Joker had entered the world. He had now gained the power to shape-shift, and Katana was with him.

It was revealed that he was manipulating others for the war for amusement. However, Suicide Squad Isekai Season 2 can reveal the reason behind Joker’s entry and how he has gained power in the Isekai world. With so many things happening in the final season, there’s a chance that Joker and Harley Quinn might cross paths sooner rather than later.

Emperor Joker’s Entry

As the first season began, it featured that Harley and her group were sent to the Isekai world on a mission to create a balance between the Isekai world and Earth. However, as the anime unfolded, it revealed that Amanda Waller had assigned Rick Flag another mission: arresting Joker. While Joker wasn’t a part of the first season, he only appeared in a flashback. The finale suggests that he had been in the Isekai world since the beginning.

Suicide Squad Isekai Season 2 Joker
Max, Hulu/ Joker

While it remains unclear how he reached there, Joker is supposed to be the true villain, which will be revealed in Suicide Squad Isekai Season 2. Although the narration doesn’t share many details about the plotline, Katana’s disappearance hints at the beginning of the war. It was Joker who had been creating chaos for Harley and Co. He had been using mystical wands, making things possible for him. That’s because he wants to make the Isekai world perfect for Harley Quinn.

If the show returns, the next season will shed light on Joker’s backstory and how he found the relics to be the Emperor of the Isekai world. There’s also a possibility that Joker has hidden some more members of the Suicide Squad in his castle. He has also recruited new tyrants from Earth to create chaos in Harley’s life.

When Will Suicide Squad Isekai’s Season 2 Undergo Production?

Warner Bros Japan produces the series, so the renewal decision is in its hands. Since the anime ended a few days ago, it doesn’t look like W.B. will return with Suicide Squad Isekai Season 2 sooner. However, there’s a chance that the series will get another season and secretly undergo production. That’s right. Many animes have undergone production before the renewal announcement. Since Suicide Squad Isekai has left the door open for the second season, production will indeed start in a couple of months.

Suicide Squad Isekai Season 2 Production house and release date
Max, Hulu

Warner Bros Japan is new to the world of anime, so it might take time to create another masterpiece. But as we know, it has collaborated with Wit Studio, so it’s likely that the studio house will return for Suicide Squad Isekai Season 2. Wit Studio was founded on June 1, 2012, and so far, it has produced several blockbuster hit animes. Some of them are Spy x Family, Vinland Saga, and Attack on Titan.

So, if the animation studio returns with Suicide Squad Isekai Season 2, it will undoubtedly create more fantastic action scenes in the next season. As of now, Wit Studio is busy working on Ascendance of a Bookworm Season 4. However, since Wit Studio hasn’t had its hands full, there’s room for Suicide Squad Isekai Season 2.

Suicide Squad Isekai Season 2 Cast Details

If the series returns with season 2, then the entire cast and characters will return as well. So we can expect the entire Suicide Squad to return with some new nemesis and friends. These include:

  • Harley Quinn – Anna Nagase (Japanese), Karlii Hoch (English)

  • Joker – Yuichiro Umehara (Japanese), Scott Gibbs (English)

  • Deadshot – Reigo Yamaguchi (Japanese), Jovan Jackson (English)

  • Peacemaker – Takehito Koyasu (Japanese), Sean Patrick Judge (English)

  • Clayface – Jun Fukuyama (Japanese), Brandon Hearnsberger (English)

  • King Shark – Subaru Kimura (Japanese), Andrew Love (English)

  • Rick Flag Jr. – Taku Yashiro (Japanese), Jeremy Gee (English)

  • Amanda Waller – Kujira (Japanese), Jasmine Renee Thomas (English)

  • Katana – Chika Anzai (Japanese), Genevieve Simmons (English)

  • Princess Fione – Reina Ueda (Japanese), Luci Christian (English)

  • Cecil – Jun Fukushima (Japanese), John Gremillion (English)

  • Enchantress – Shizuka Ito (Japanese), Christina Kelly (English)

Is There Enough Source Material?

Well, the series is roughly adapted to D.C. Comics’ Suicide Squad. Since it’s the original anime of Warner Bros., there is ample source material to be covered. The series isn’t based on any manga or webtoon; however, a webtoon was created after the series debut. But the anime isn’t based on that. Since it’s an original anime series, there are endless possibilities for exploration in future installments.

Suicide Squad Isekai Season 2- Harley Quinn and release date
Max, Hulu/ Harley Quinn

One can also expect the show to return for more than four seasons. That’s because it has just introduced the villains to each other. There are a lot of storylines that should be played off in Suicide Squad Isekai. We can expect Harley Quinn’s team to expand. Now that the Enchantress has been rescued, she might join Harley and co to work with them fighting against the odds. She can also prove to Joker that she can be a deity.

Besides this, the anime can also explore to the point where the ego problems between Peacemaker, Deadshot, and Flag can be resolved. This angle might play a major role as it will bring all of them together. This union might help the team resolve the mystery surrounding Katana’s disappearance and the emergence of the supervillains in the fictional world.

Suicide Squad Isekai Season 2 Release Date

Suicide Squad Isekai Season 2 Release Date
Max, Hulu

As mentioned before, the show hasn’t yet been renewed for Suicide Squad Isekai Season 2. So, it remains unclear when the series will return. But the first season’s cliffhanger hints that the show might enter the post-production stage sooner rather than later. The anime typically takes a year or two to finish the production work. If that’s the case with Suicide Squad Isekai, then we believe the series will return sometime in 2026. But again, it’s a guess only. We will inform you once the show is renewed. This is all for now. Stay with The Anime Daily for more such updates.

The post Suicide Squad Isekai Season 2: Renewed? Reasons Why It Should Return! appeared first on The Anime Daily .

Source: Suicide Squad Isekai Season 2: Renewed? Reasons Why It Should Return!
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Prime Minister Han Duck-soo said the nation has a duty to further develop the Korean alphabet, hangeul, which has gained worldwide recognition as a unique writing system.

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Anime News / Kalafina Music Trio Reunite for January Anniversary Concert
« Last post by Junky4000 on October 10, 2024, 11:28:01 AM »
Kalafina Music Trio Reunite for January Anniversary Concert

Trio's founder, former composer Yuki Kajiura not involved with reunion concert
Source: Kalafina Music Trio Reunite for January Anniversary Concert
Call Of The Night Season 2: In Production! Will Return Earlier Than Possible

It’s been two years since we last saw the supernatural drama Call Of The Night. There’s no denying the anime featured the joy of being a nightwalker; the series remained dormant for two years. But the anime enthusiasts can breathe a sigh of relief now. That’s because Call Of The Night Season 2 is happening. That’s right, we have pleasant news for you. The highly anticipated anime is gearing up for its return. So, without future ado, let’s see when the anime will hit our screen.

Based on Kotoyama’s manga series, Call Of The Night follows the journey of Ko Yamori, a high school student who stops going to school and starts wandering at night. However, his life changes after encountering a girl named Nazuna Nanakusa. Surprisingly, she turns out to be a vampire who shows Yamori the beauty of a night-walker. Due to this, Ko plans to be a vampire. But there’s a catch: he can only be a vampire once he falls in love with Nazuna.

Call Of The Night Season 2 Is Back!

The first season of Call Of The Night aired back on July 8, 2022. Shortly after its release, the anime became the most-watched series of the year. There’s no denying that fans loved the concept, and the light-hearted comedy won many hearts. However, it took two years to announce the fate of the series. Many initially thought the show had been shelved and wouldn’t return with a second season. However, the series status was changed.

Call Of The Night Season 2 Renewed

On March 11, 2024, the anime committee announced that the show would return with Call Of The Night Season 2. Well, the news was music to many fans’ ears. That’s because they have been wondering about the series’ future. There’s no denying that the show performed incredibly well. The first season of Yofukashi no Uta gained 7.4/10 stars on IMDb and 8/10 stars on MyAnimeList. This is enough to suggest that the anime performed extremely well.

Official Announcement

During the Fuji TV Anime Lineup Press Conference 2024 event, the production committee announced that Call Of The Night Season 2 was happening. The announcement via a teaser visual and a short clip suggests fans’ favorite characters will return. The short video has been released on Fuji TV’s Noitamina’s official YouTube channel. In that video, we can see Ko and Nazuna posing against the backdrop of the anime’s theme color palette.

Meanwhile, the mesmerizing teaser visual also offers a sneak peek of what will happen in the upcoming season. It will continue with Ko’s journey to find a place in the nocturnal world. While the official account shared that Call Of The Night Season 2 will return soon, it hasn’t revealed the main plot line of the series. The announcement trailer has also hinted at the major cast and staff details.

Call Of The Night Season 2: When Production Will Begin?

The anime committee announced the second season and revealed that the show had begun production. On March 11, 2024, the news broke that the anime had entered production and that Liden Films would continue animating the series. Since the production began in March, it would take time to wrap up production. Anime typically takes 12 to 18 months to conclude animation work. Deeming that we believe Call Of The Night Season 2 will take longer to return.

As for the production house, Liden Films is a Japanese animation studio founded on February 22, 2012. It’s been 12 years since the studio was afloat. So far, the studio has animated several commercial hit series, such as Berserk, Love and Lies, Killing Bites, Magical Sempai, and Tokyo Revengers. The studio is currently busy animating Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto Disturbance and Promise of Wizard. So, it will take some time to know the  Call Of The Night Season 2 release date.

Is There Enough Source Material?

As mentioned before, the anime is based on a manga series written and illustrated by Kotoyama. The manga was serialized from August 2019 to January 2024 in Shogakukan’s Weekly Shonen Sunday magazine. Since the manga series has concluded, the source material could be scarce. But don’t fret. The manga concluded with Chapter 200, which is collected in 20 tankobon volumes. However, only ten volumes of the manga were available to adapt when the first season was aired.

Call Of The Night Season 2 Production

That’s why the first season only covered Chapter 40. Since 160 chapters remain to be covered, we believe Call Of The Night can return with more than one season. Thus, there is ample source material left to delve into. In addition, the first season covered 40 chapters, so we expect that Call Of The Night Season 2 will follow the same and might cover until Chapter 80. This will leave room for two more seasons. But if the second season is split into two halves, then there’s a possibility that it might cover more chapters. However, we have to wait for the official announcement.

Call Of The Night Season 2: What To Expect Next?

In the first season’s finale, Ko discovered Hatsuka was a male. Despite that, the former was attracted to Hatsuka. Meanwhile, Nazuna believed Ko had changed his mind and didn’t want to become a vampire. After this, she tries to convince Nico and the other vampires to let him live. But it created complications for everyone. Furious, Nico scolded Nazuna for breaking their deal and smashed the table. She even threatened Nazuna to kill Ko. At Hatsuka’s place, Ko reconsidered his decision to transfer into a vampire.

While reconsidering his decision, Hatsuka offered to turn Ko into a vampire. He even warned Ko that things would turn dramatic for him and Nazuna. He also revealed that the duo’s safety is on the verge. Despite that, Ko didn’t back up and searched for Nazuna. However, Nico stopped him and said Nazuna didn’t want to talk to him. Ko ignored her and searched for Nazuna. The duo finally reunited at the vending machine where they first met.

Call Of The Night Season 2 Plot

Despite the differences, Nazuna promises to make Ko fall in love with her, and later, they share a kiss. Since a lot has happened in the first season, we believe Call Of The Night Season 2 will pick up the pace from where it has left off. The series will start exploring Nazuna and Ko’s journey. Now that Ko knows that the vampires are behind him, he will continue his journey to fall in love with Nazuna. Both will spend time together to make it happen. But things will fall apart. The pair will also witness some challenges in the upcoming season.

Call Of The Night Season 2 Cast Details

There’s no denying that all the main characters will return for Call Of The Night Season 2. Since the characters will be back, their voice actors will also return to make the next season happen. These include:

  • Ko Yamori – Gen Sato (Japanese), Gabriel Regojo (English)

  • Nazuna Nanakusa – Sora Amamiya (Japanese), Natalie Rial (English)

  • Akira Asai – Yumiri Hanamori (Japanese), Jade Kelly (English)

  • Anko Uguisu – Miyuki Sawashiro (Japanese), Jessica Calvello (English)

  • Akihito Akiyama – Hiroyuki Yoshino (Japanese), James Marler (English)

  • Nico Hirata – Eri Kitamura (Japanese), Monica Rial (English)

  • Seri Kikyo – Haruka Tomatsu (Japanese), Christina Kelly (English)

  • Kabura Honda – Shizuka Ito (Japanese), Patricia Duran (English)

  • Midori Kohakobe – Naomi Ozara (Japanese), Emily Neves (English)

  • Hatsuka Suzushiro – Azumi Waki (Japanese), Annie Wild (English)

In addition, Tomoyuki Itamura will return to the director seat. He’s known for directing several hit animes like The Case Study of Vanitas, I Want To Eat Your Pancreas, and the Monogatari series. He is also known for the success of Call Of The Night Season 1. His creative vision will indeed boost the performance of the second season.

Is Call Of The Night Worth Watching?

Many audiences and the critics called the series freaking beautiful series to watch. The series beautifully depicts the stark differences between the characters and people’s feelings. Some even called the anime worth watching, as it focused on the color palettes of night and day. The users on Reddit also said they enjoyed the series a lot. However, the anime got interesting after Anko’s entry.

byu/ynbornonatuesday from discussion

Another user said that anime is at the top of their list. The second user said, “I thought the animation was really gorgeous. The scenery was beautiful, and I liked the character models. I can tell it’s from the same person who did Dagashi Kashi.” The audience also said that the story is important and that anime depicts it pretty well.

Call Of The Night Season 2 Release Date

As of now, the anime has just announced the second season. So, the actual call of the night season 2 release date is still unclear. However, the good thing is that the series has already undergone production. So it will hardly take a year to wrap up everything. That’s because the first season was announced in November 2021, and it took only eight months to wrap up the production. If the second season follows the same timeframe, we can expect the show to return in the Q1 of 2025. This is all for now. Stay with The Anime Daily for more such updates.

The post Call Of The Night Season 2: In Production! Will Return Earlier Than Possible appeared first on The Anime Daily .

Source: Call Of The Night Season 2: In Production! Will Return Earlier Than Possible
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