The Red Ribbon Army (レッドリボン軍) is a fictional character in the animated "Dragon Ball" series created by Akira Toriyama. Led by Commander Red (红ド総marshal, Reddo-Sōsui), the many agents of the Red Ribbon Army become opponents in series protagonist Goku's second search for the Dragon Balls. After the Red Ribbon Army was defeated by Goku, surviving member Dr. Gero inherited the organization's legacy and created a series of powerful artificial humanoids as part of his vendetta against Goku.
The panel was generally well received by reviewers. Critics point out that the Red Ribbon Army storyline, in which the organization is depicted as the first legitimate threat to Goku, represents a shift toward a darker tone for the series, and is an outdated or play on real-world stereotypes. Politically incorrect attitude. Famous examples and tropes from Japanese anime. Some individual members of the group, including the series' recurring villain Red Ribbon Robot, have left lasting impressions in pop culture and received special commentary from the media.